Ajuste no css da Data.

parent fd959451
......@@ -11142,6 +11142,12 @@ p .button_agendar {
color: white;
/* ****************************** */
#data {
width: 12rem;
height: 10%;
......@@ -8135,12 +8135,4 @@
return t("div", { staticClass: "container" }, [t("div", { staticClass: "row justify-content-center" }, [t("div", { staticClass: "col-md-8" }, [t("div", { staticClass: "card card-default" }, [t("div", { staticClass: "card-header" }, [this._v("Example Component")]), this._v(" "), t("div", { staticClass: "card-body" }, [this._v("\n I'm an example component.\n ")])])])])])
}, function(e, t) {}]);
function mudaBotao() {
window.document.getElementById(botao).style.background = "#000";
window.document.getElementById(botao).style.color = "#fff";
\ No newline at end of file
}, function(e, t) {}]);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
<fieldset class="fieldAgendar">
<p id="agendar">Agendar horário</p>
<fieldset class="calendario">
<fieldset class="calendario">
<input type="button" onfocus="this.style.backgroundColor='rgb(0, 166, 255)'" onblur="this.style.backgroundColor='rgb(209, 204, 204)'" id="hora" name="horaAgendamento" value="08:00">
<input type="button" onfocus="this.style.backgroundColor='rgb(0, 166, 255)'" onblur="this.style.backgroundColor='rgb(209, 204, 204)'" id="hora" name="horaAgendamento" value="08:20">
<input type="button" onfocus="this.style.backgroundColor='rgb(0, 166, 255)'" onblur="this.style.backgroundColor='rgb(209, 204, 204)'" id="hora" name="horaAgendamento" value="08:40">
......@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
<input type="button" onfocus="this.style.backgroundColor='rgb(0, 166, 255)'" onblur="this.style.backgroundColor='rgb(209, 204, 204)'" id="hora" name="horaAgendamento" value="16:40">
<button class="enviarbtn" onclick="window.location = '{{ route('agendamentoConfere') }}'">@lang('agendamento.next')</button>
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